Thursday 26 June 2008

Barack Obama celebrates Democratic presidential candidate win with U2

Barack Obama celebrated winning the race to be the Democrat candidate for the forthcoming US presidential elections by blasting out U2's 'Beautiful Day'.

Obama celebrated at the Excel Energy Center in St. Paul, Minnesota in front of 15,000 people last night (June 3) as the song was played.

"Tonight we mark the end of one historic journey with the beginning of another � a journey that will bring a new and better day to America," he said during the celebrations.

Obama will stand in the presidential elections this November. He is the first black person to represent a major US political party as a presidential candidate.

Monday 16 June 2008

Mater Tenebra

Mater Tenebra   
Artist: Mater Tenebra

Metal: Death,Black


Necrocturna Demoniaca   
 Necrocturna Demoniaca

   Year: 1999   
Tracks: 10


Friday 6 June 2008

Scientists don't have chemistry

QUIRKY indie rockers WE ARE SCIENTISTS are like a comedy act with enough
backchat to threaten most comedians.

But bassist CHRIS CAIN and frontman KEITH MURRAY have one too
many 'in jokes' to make anyone else in the room really feel part of their

While they bandy mock insults at each other, they do agree that happiness
makes a good musician.

Chris said: "Melancholy is the greatest shackle that's ever been invented
by society for artists."

Keith added: "The best works are created in bed with the covers tucked
up, a bowl of porrridge and a cat purring."
To see our exclusive chat, watch our video below:

The boys giggle over the lyrics for new track Chicklit, saying the words came
from a conversation overheard on the bus.

Keith said: "I'm chuckling because I don't have to give them writing

But they had mixed opinions when it came to falling in love with a fan.

Keith said: "The only time I've ever felt true love was when it was
apparent the person would do anything for me. So yes, I could fall in love
with a fan."

Chris disagreed, saying: "No, because there's no challenge."

Paula Abdul Banned From Dancing With The Stars

Paula Abdul is not letting American Idol producers ruin her hopes of appearing on rival show Dancing With The Stars, revealing that she is “hypothetically” thinking about it.

The former choreographer has made no secret of wanting to appear on the dance competition, stating in a recent interview: "I'd be honoured. I want to wear the pretty dresses!"

But Idol executive producer Nigel hates the idea of Abdul waltzing away to another show on a rival U.S. TV network.

He tells In Touch: "As far as I'm concerned, Paula is American Idol and our judge. It's like asking Simon (Cowell) to sing. Why would I want that?

"It's not that Paula wouldn't be good at it. She would be brilliant. But she was a dancer, so why would a dancer go on a dancing show? That doesn't seem fair to me!"

But the opposition hasn't put Abdul off: "I'm hypothetically thinking about it (Dancing With The Stars)."

Casket Garden

Casket Garden   
Artist: Casket Garden

Metal: Death,Black


This Corroded Soul Of Mine   
 This Corroded Soul Of Mine

   Year: 2003   
Tracks: 10

The Non-Existent   
 The Non-Existent

   Year: 2002   
Tracks: 3


Emmerdale to welcome new Dingle

'Emmerdale' is set to welcome a new member of the Dingle family in the coming weeks.
According to the show's official website, Genesis Dingle, played by Sian Reese-Williams, will arrive in the Dales on April Fool's Day.
Her estranged father father Shadrach (Andy Devine) and her biological sister Chastity (Lucy Pargeter) are both shocked when she turns up unannounced.
While Genesis is travelling to meet her family she is involved in a road accident, which leaves her fighting for her life.
Actress Sian Reese-Williams said of her new role: "I'm thrilled to have been given this fantastic opportunity."
"'Emmerdale' is such an iconic programme and I can't wait to take my place in the Dingle family."
'Emmerdale' series producer Anita Turner said: "I'm delighted to welcome Sian to the show and we've got some exciting storylines planned.
"Chas, for one, is left reeling from the news that she has a long-lost sister. Genesis is not your typical Dingle and she's in for a real culture shock when she meets her biological family."

Casino Royale

Casino Royale   
Artist: Casino Royale

Rock: Punk-Rock


Soul Of Ska   
 Soul Of Ska

   Year: 1988   
Tracks: 12


Madonna auctions off private gig for charity

Retired justice developing online civics lessons


Sandra Day O'Connor is developing a free interactive Web program for middle schoolers on the U.S. court system.

The program will be called Our Courts and allow students to participate in realistic government simulations and investigate and argue actual cases.

Arizona State and Georgetown universities are helping the retired Supreme Court justice develop the program.

Arizona State professor James Paul Gee says the program will teach children the importance of free and independent courts in a democracy.

The Web site will be launched this fall.

O'Connor is the first woman to have served on the nation's highest court.


On the Net:

Our Courts:

See Also

'27 Dresses' catches DVD bouquet

"27 Dresses" seems tailor-made for the home video market, as the film topped both rental charts this week.